Company info
Company: OFS Lipid Legends GmbH
Legal structure
: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Address: Ludwig-Koeßler-Platz 3/3/24, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 650270928
E-Mail: [email protected]
Sales tax identification number: ATU79568727
Company registration number: FN 606184 y
CEO: Dr. András Gregor
Business purpose: Food commerce and nutritional advice (as well as research and development in this context)
Supervisory authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des III. Bezirks
Chamber membership: Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, LG Versand-, Internet- und allgemeiner Handel

Trade law regulations: Trade regulations
Shareholders: Marc Pignitter, András Gregor, Lena Grabner
Purpose of the website: Presentation and sale of edible oils and accessories
Kaltgepresste Öle in Österreich & Deutschland
Managing Director
Dr. András Gregor MSc, BSc
Nutritionist, gut health and microbiome expert:
Prof. Dr. Marc Pignitter
Research & Development
Prof. Mag. Dr. Marc Pignitter
Expert in Food Science at the University of Vienna, nicknamed “King of Oil”
Kaltgepresstes Bio Öl Online
Social media management
Lena Grabner MSc, BSc
Dietician & Nutritionist

Optimized Flaxseed oil

Evolution of flaxseed oil
€ 16,50 
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Sesame oil

naturally exotic
€ 12,40 
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Pumpkin seed oil

naturally seductive
€ 10,40 
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