Food Safety

Food safety is a serious issue that is becoming increasingly important around the world. Food contamination can cause serious health problems and is an issue that affects everyone. At Lipid Legends, we are aware of this issue and analyze our products comprehensively to ensure the highest quality and safety.
Kaltgepresste ÖleSchwarzkümmelölSchwarzkümmelöl
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
We ensure that our oils are clear and free of impurities.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
The presence of cyanoglycosides in the oil is screened to ensure that it is safe for consumption.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
The density of the oil helps us verify the purity and quality of the product.
Free fatty acids
We ensure that the free fatty acid content in our edible oil does not affect its quality.
Iodine value
We measure the content of unsaturated fatty acids to determine the quality more precisely.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
We ensure that the total germ load, yeast and molds in our edible oils are in the safe range.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
Mineral oil residues
We check the oil for mineral oil residues to ensure the quality and purity of the product.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
Olfactory profile
We make sure that our oils smell fresh and pleasant.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
Peroxide value
We guarantee that the oil is not excessively oxidized to maintain its freshness and stability.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
Refractive index
The refractive index can be used to determine the purity of the oil.
Saponification value
By measuring the fatty acid and ester content, we ensure that the oils are pure.
Leinsamen vs. Leinöl: gravierende Unterschiede
Sensory studies ensure that our cooking oil is delicious and pleasant to consume.

To ensure that we always meet the highest quality and safety standards, we work closely with the University of Vienna. There, we analyze and develop our products with the utmost care and precision.

 Kaltgepresste Öle in Österreich

Our commitment to the highest quality and safety is reflected in each of our products. We pride ourselves on being able to offer our customers a wide range of food products that are not only delicious but also safe.

Optimized Flaxseed oil

Evolution of flaxseed oil
€ 16,50 
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Sesame oil

naturally exotic
€ 12,40 
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Pumpkin seed oil

naturally seductive
€ 10,40 
More info
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