Our Mission

By striving to enhance nutritional quality, taste, and reduce food waste, we empower our customers with the freedom to not have to choose between health, food safety, and culinary pleasure.
SchwarzkümmelölLipid MagazinLipid MagazinSchwarzkümmelölSchwarzkümmelölLipid Magazin
Lipid Legends Idee für Optimized Leinöl.

We use real scientific innovation

We want to improve the quality of nutrition and reduce food waste by optimizing food items with the help of the latest sientific & technological innovations

Lipid Legends Speiseöl.

We never compromise on quality

As a result of in-depth research and development, our products are already of the highest quality - and yet we work tirelessly to constantly improve them.

The world is in our hands.

We’re fighting for food safety & against food waste

By upcycling materials and extending the shelf life of our products, we focus on sustainability.

Food Safety

Our commitment to the highest quality and safety is reflected in each of our products.

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Health & Nutrition

We offer healthier alternatives to conventional cold-pressed vegetable oils.

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Lipid Magazine

Discover insider secrets, valuable knowledge, impressive stories and much more in our magazine.

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Recipe Book

Get inspired by our oils and discover tasty recipes for the whole family!

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Sounds interesting?

Get in touch with us!

No matter what it is, we are always there for you.

Optimized Flaxseed oil

Evolution of flaxseed oil
€ 16,50 
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Sesame oil

naturally exotic
€ 12,40 
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Pumpkin seed oil

naturally seductive
€ 10,40 
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