Press section

Here is a collection of all the articles that give an insight into our work and innovations. Let these articles take you into the exciting world of Lipid Legends and learn more about our groundbreaking contributions to the food industry.
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Universität Wien Enterpreneurship: How do I start my own business?
Dive into the inspiring startup story of Lipid Legends, presented by Lena Grabner and the Uni Vienna Entrepreneurship Team. Founding members Lena Grabner, Marc Pignitter and András Gregor turned their research at the University of Vienna into a thriving company focused on optimized linseed oil.
They share their experiences in this article, from the first steps in the lab to the successful market launch of their innovative product, which is characterized by longevity and a high content of health-promoting polyphenols.
Wiener Wirtschaft: Verbessertes Speiseöl
The article "Improved cooking oil" presents Lipid Legends, an innovative spin-off from the University of Vienna that specializes in optimizing cooking oil quality using science-based processes. The start-up is characterized by a patented pressing process that produces flaxseed oil with an increased antioxidant content and improved taste, while completely dispensing with additives.

In addition to linseed oil, Lipid Legends also offers a range of classic virgin oils. The founders András Gregor, Lena Grabner and Marc Pignitter emphasize the longevity and high quality of their product. The company is also interested in partnerships in the areas of food packaging, sustainability and new food concepts.
Prosieben, Galileo: Superfood Leinöl: Diese Wirkung hat das kaltgepresste Öl auf deinen Körper
The article emphasizes the positive health effects of flaxseed oil, particularly due to its favorable ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids and its high alpha-linolenic acid content. It also discusses the many uses of linseed oil, from nutrition to cosmetics.

It is mentioned that researchers (Marc Pignitter) are working on methods to make linseed oil last longer, which indicates the ongoing efforts in research to improve the quality and usability of this valuable oil (Optimized Flaxseed Oil).
University of Vienna Uniport: Wie gründe ich mein eigenes Unternehmen? Vom Laborkittel zum Business-Outfit
The founders share their personal experiences and challenges in the transition from academic research to the corporate world. They describe how their scientific work led to the development of a flavor-enhanced, non-bitter, long-lasting and polyphenol-rich flaxseed oil.

The article emphasizes the importance of ambition and clarity of purpose for start-ups and encourages readers to put scientific knowledge to practical use. Lipid Legends sets itself apart through this scientific approach, actively communicating the health benefits of its linseed oil on its website and social media to reach and inform its target audience.
Die Presse: Wiener Forscher wollen mit neuem Verfahren Leinöl haltbarer machen
The new process, supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), makes it possible to produce linseed oil with a higher concentration of health-promoting antioxidants and a longer shelf life without resorting to questionable synthetic antioxidants.

The optimization includes reusing the press cake, which is rich in valuable polyphenols that stabilize the oil and increase its benefits. This advance promises a more cost-effective, higher quality linseed oil that is more beneficial to health and less bitter than conventional variants.
University of Vienna: Neues Verfahren macht Leinöl haltbarer
An innovative process is presented for the first time that improves the shelf life of flaxseed oil. Professor Marc Pignitter and his team at the University of Vienna have developed a method that makes it possible to produce linseed oil at low cost, while it contains more antioxidants and offers a longer shelf life and a more pleasant taste.

The new method involves improved use of the press cake, which is rich in polyphenols that stabilize the oil and significantly increase shelf life. The project aims to further develop this method for mass production and to investigate the health and taste benefits of the linseed oil produced in this way in more detail.
Life Science Austria (LISA): Neues Verfahren macht Leinöl haltbarer
A research team at the University of Vienna has presented a new process that makes linseed oil more durable and of higher quality by increasing the concentration of antioxidants and reducing oxidation. This project, supported by the FFG, optimizes conventional production through an innovative use of the press cake, which is rich in health-promoting polyphenols.

The new method makes it possible to produce a flaxseed oil that not only has a longer shelf life, but is also healthier and tastier than traditional linseed oil. The researchers are now planning to test the optimized production technique on an industrial scale and further investigate the health and taste benefits of the linseed oil produced in this way. Forscher machen Leinöl haltbarer und hochwertiger
Viennese researchers have developed an innovative process that makes linseed oil more durable and of higher quality by making better use of production waste. This method, funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), makes it possible to produce a linseed oil that is rich in health-promoting polyphenols, has a longer shelf life and an improved taste compared to conventional flaxseed oil.

The innovative approach involves reusing the press cake, which is otherwise often discarded, to recover valuable ingredients and incorporate them into the oil. This not only increases product quality, but also contributes to the sustainable use of resources. Neues Verfahren macht Leinöl haltbarer
A team of researchers at the University of Vienna, led by Marc Pignitter, has developed a new process that improves the shelf life and quality of linseed oil. This advance enables the production of a linseed oil that is richer in health-promoting antioxidants and has an improved taste and longer shelf life compared to traditionally produced flaxseed oil.
The process utilizes valuable polyphenols from the press cake that were previously unused and incorporates them into the oil, enhancing its antioxidant properties. The project, supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), aims to test and further develop this innovative method for large-scale production.
myScience: Neues Verfahren macht Leinöl haltbarer
A Viennese research team has developed an innovative method that makes linseed oil more durable and nutrient-rich by reusing valuable ingredients from the press residue. This method significantly increases the concentration of health-promoting polyphenols in linseed oil, which leads to a longer shelf life and improved bioactive properties.

The process, which is supported by the Research Promotion Agency, aims to produce a higher quality, cost-effective and less bitter-tasting flaxseed oil. The research group now plans to test this process on an industrial scale and continue to investigate the positive effects of the enriched polyphenols on health and taste.
Innovations Report: Neues Verfahren macht Leinöl haltbarer
Marc Pignitter's team at the University of Vienna has developed a new process that extends the shelf life of linseed oil and increases its content of health-promoting bioactive substances. Through the innovative reuse of press residues, which are rich in polyphenols, the oil can now be produced with a significantly increased concentration of these antioxidants, resulting in improved quality and an extended shelf life.
This project, supported by the FFG, aims to produce a cost-effective and healthier linseed oil that is less bitter and stays fresh for longer. The researchers plan to further optimize this new production approach and test it for large-scale applicability.
Food Monitor: Neues Verfahren macht Leinöl haltbarer
In Vienna, a team of researchers led by Marc Pignitter has developed an advanced process that significantly improves the shelf life of linseed oil and increases its health value. They use the previously unconsidered ingredients of the press residue to enrich the oil with an increased dose of polyphenols. This improved linseed oil is characterized by a longer freshness and an increased content of antioxidants.
The project, supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), is now ready to move from the prototype phase to large-scale production. It promises to deliver a linseed oil that is not only beneficial to health, but also has a longer shelf life and a more pleasant taste than the conventional bitter varieties.
OÖNachrichten: Forscher machen Leinöl haltbarer und hochwertiger
Viennese researchers have developed an innovative method that makes linseed oil, known for its high omega-3 fatty acid content, even more valuable. A project supported by the FFG has resulted in a process that not only makes linseed oil more durable, but also enriches it with a higher concentration of health-promoting antioxidants.

The new technology uses ingredients from the press cake, which is normally a by-product, and converts them into valuable polyphenols that stabilize the oil. The result is a high-quality linseed oil that stays fresh for longer, is healthier and does not taste as bitter as the conventional variety. This breakthrough promises a more sustainable use of resources and sets new standards in oil production.